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Sarah McBride of Delaware becomes the first transgender senator in the U.S. BuzzFeed news main menu icon Twitter Facebook copy BuzzFeed news logo closed Twitter Facebook copy Twitter Facebook copy Facebook Twitter Instagram BuzzFeed news home page BuzzFeed shut down

Sarah McBride of Delaware becomes the first transgender senator in the U.S. BuzzFeed news main menu icon Twitter Facebook copy BuzzFeed news logo closed Twitter Facebook copy Twitter Facebook copy Facebook Twitter Instagram BuzzFeed news home page BuzzFeed shut down

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Sarah McBride told BuzzFeed News: “I have felt that tonight is too incomprehensible for my whole life. It seems impossible.”
The 30-year-old LGBTQ activist Sarah McBride (Sarah McBride) will become the strongest publicly transgender lawmaker in the United States after winning the Delaware state legislative race on Tuesday.
Soon after winning, she told BuzzFeed News that she hoped that her achievements as the first public transgender senator would encourage other LGBTQ young people to follow their dreams.
McBride said: “I hope that tonight’s results can send a life-saving message to a young transgender child.” “They can sleep knowing that their dreams and truth are not mutually exclusive.”
McBride was a former White House intern in the Obama administration and later the press secretary of the human rights movement. In 2012, McBride appeared in court as a transgender when he became president of the American University Student Union in Washington, DC.
When the second round of ballots showed that she might win, she drove to the election on Tuesday. Soon after attending a gathering for a small local business in Wilmington, the Associated Press and the New York Times ran for her.
She said: “I feel that tonight is too incomprehensible all my life. It seems impossible.” “To get these results and display them on a black and white screen that AP calls online…helps to emphasize that there is nothing. It’s really impossible.”
McBride named the fellow Democrat Danica Toon, who was elected as the first publicly interstate legislator to represent the Virginia House in 2017, because one of the people who paved the way and the way she runs.
On Tuesday night, Roem congratulated McBride on Twitter, announcing that she was “very, very, very proud.”
Update: She is ready. She ran away. She just won. @SarahEMcBride, I am so, so, so, so, proud of you, who you are, the campaign you participated in and the values ​​you represent. I am very grateful for your friendship and call you the first interstate senator in American history.
McBride pointed out that when she was growing up, the only public mention of transgender people was “the assembly line in the comedy or the corpse in the drama”, and she did not see transgender people in a position of power.
She told BuzzFeed News: “As a young man, I fought for my place in the world. How much influence this has on me.” “When I grow up, there is no such example.”
The NSW senator elected to Delaware said she wanted her to become known as a “medical senator and a senator on paid leave”-two issues, she said, becoming more important by the coronavirus pandemic.
McBride knew the power of healthcare and paid vacation; her husband Andy died of cancer at the age of 24.
She recalled that in the last few months of her late husband, one of the most tragic and beautiful conversations with her late husband was that he wept for everything he missed-his invisible niece and nephew When he grows up, the members of the whole family he will miss, and “he can’t tell me the fact that he loves me and is proud of me.”
McBride said: “Because it is so sad, I remember it in my heart.” “Tonight I can hear Andy’s voice saying,’I love you and I am proud of you.’”
Another Delaware Democrat who is pursuing his path is Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. McBride volunteered to participate in the Delaware Attorney General’s election campaign for her son Beau Biden, and later she became the first transgender speaker at the political conference when she spoke at the DNC in 2016 .
Joe Biden wrote in the preface of McBride’s memoir “Tomorrow Will Be Different”: “In doing this work, I went back to the most important lesson my father taught me and my children. This is the same principle that excites brave advocates like Sarah McBride: People have the right to be dignified and respected.”
McBride said that despite her own victory, she will still “watch anxiously” the results of the national game on Tuesday night, hoping that Biden will become the next president.
But no matter what happens, she is focusing on her new role representing the people of Delaware. She said: “As much work as last year, the real work will begin tomorrow.” She then set out to deliver a victory party speech to many supporters.
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Post time: Nov-13-2020