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switchgear indoor 33KV air-insulated metal-clad withdrawable switchgear for control, protection and monitoring of the circuit

switchgear indoor 33KV air-insulated metal-clad withdrawable switchgear for control, protection and monitoring of the circuit

Short Description:

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HW-IMS3 air-insulated metal-clad withdrawable switchgear (hereinafter as Switchgear) is a kind of MV switchgear. It is designed as a withdrawable module type panel, and the withdrawable part is fitted with VD4-36E,VD4-36 withdrawable vacuum circuit breaker manufactured by YUANKY Electric Company .It can also be fitted with isola- tion truck, PT truck, fuses truck and so on. It is applicable to three phase AC 50/60 Hz power system,and mainly used for the transmission and distribution of electrical power and control, protection, monitoring of the circuit.

Service conditions
Normal Operating Conditions


A. Ambient temperature: -15°C~+40C

B. Ambient humidity:

Daily average RH no more than 95%;Monthly average RH no more than 90%

Daily average value of the steam pressure no more than 2.2k Pa, and montly no more than 1.8kPa

C. Altitude no higher than 1000m;

D. The air around without any pollution of duty,smoke ,ercode or flammable air,steam or salty fog;

E. External vibration from switchgear and controlgear or land quiver can be neglected;

F. The voltage of the secondary electromagnetism interference induced in the system shall no more than 1.6kV.

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